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New Beginnings 2025

At this time of year we can be confronted by SO MANY messages asking us to create a new shinier, BETTER version of ourselves. Or the other side of the coin we are asked to embrace ourselves as we are with no need to morph into something else.


It can feel overwhelming and exhausting with so much pressure to start the new year with resolutions, intentions, feelings, goals, words for the year etc. there is just so much noise in this space.


For me I usually sit somewhere in the middle. I now like to set goals both personal and professional for myself and that is usually accompanied with a word or words about how I would like to FEEL across the year. For the last couple of years I have also been crafting an essential oil blend that is attached to my feeling word, creating an aromatic anchor for my vision and goals for the year ahead.


But this year has started a little differently. Day one of a new year, became day one of my bleed and a new cycle. As a result of that today has been all about intentional rest and slowness and ease. I am very grateful for the public holiday to have a day of rest which is something I have learnt over the last few years of intentional tracking my cycle that my body absolutely needs.


My Inner Winter calls me to STOP and REST and DREAM and VISION for the next cycle. So now I really make an effort to do those things. Even on days where I can’t rest all day, I know how to make time for myself and understand that it will look and feel a bit different each cycle depending on my work and schedule and commitments etc. But making time to REST in some way or another is now essential for my wellbeing and a much more gentle bleed time.


So regardless of how you start the new year be it full steam ahead or with ease and grace and there is no right or wrong way to do this so long as it feels nourishing and aligned to your being, just remember to be kind and gentle to yourself. Take time to rest when you need to and fill your cup first before sharing yourself with others and the world.


Wishing you a magical 2025 💕

Tools for rest and reset on day 1 of my bleed


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